Please read the complete instructions for authors before submitting your manuscript to Endocrinology and Metabolism via
Endocrinology and Metabolism (Endocrinol Metab; EnM) is the official journal of the Korean Endocrine Society. The journal is devoted the dissemination of the latest scientific findings in the fields of endocrinology, metabolism, and hormonal function. Only manuscripts written in English are accepted. EnM follows an open access policy, according to which all content is freely available online and digital files can be read, downloaded, and printed freely.
Manuscripts containing content that was previously published in other journals are not eligible for submission to this journal. Conversely, any manuscripts published herein cannot be submitted to other journals. For further clarification on our policies regarding duplicate and secondary publications, please consult Sections 3.6 and 3.8 of this document.
Financial sponsorship should be included as a conflict of interest. Any other financial support associated with the study, including stocks or consultation arrangements with pharmaceutical companies, should be stated at the end of the text, as well as any political pressure from special interest groups or academia-related issues, under a subheading entitled “Conflicts of interest.” If no financial support or political or academic pressures affected the study, a statement declaring that there were no conflicts of interest should be included under the aforementioned subheading.
Human studies must conform to current ethical standards and should be approved by the appropriate Institutional Review Board (IRB). A statement concerning IRB approval, reference number, and consent procedures must appear in the Methods section. Any systematic data-gathering effort from patients or volunteers must be approved by an IRB or adhere to appropriate local/national regulations. If a study has been granted an exemption from requiring ethics approval, this should also be detailed in the manuscript (including the name of the ethics committee that granted the exemption). Authors may be questioned about the details of consent forms or the consent process. On occasion, the Editor-in-Chief may request a copy of the approved IRB application from the author. For all research involving human subjects, informed consent to participate in the study should be obtained from participants, and a statement to this effect should appear in the manuscript.
Clinical research studies involving human subjects must state that the work was done in accordance with the Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki in 1975 (revised in 2013; Clinical studies that do not satisfy the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki will not be considered for publication. Human subjects must not be identifiable. Patients’ name, initials, hospital number, date of birth, or other protected healthcare information must not be disclosed. Animal research studies must state that the work was performed according to the National or Institutional Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, and the ethical treatment of all experimental animals must conform to the guidelines provided by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). A statement concerning IRB and IACUC approval and consent procedures must appear in the Methods section.
According to the guidelines of the ICMJE, authorship credit must be based on 1) substantial contributions to the concept and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; 3) final approval of the version to be published; and 4) agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. All authors should meet the above four conditions. For original articles, the specific contributions of each author must be described, and this information will be published in the Author Contributions section. After the initial submission of a manuscript, any changes whatsoever in authorship (adding author(s), deleting author(s), or re-arranging the order of authors) must be explained by a letter to the editor from the authors concerned. This letter must be signed by all authors of the paper. Copyright assignment must also be completed by every author.
All submitted manuscripts should be original and may not be considered by other scientific journals for publication at the same time. No part of the accepted paper should be duplicated in another scientific journal without permission from the Editorial Board. Submitted manuscripts are screened for possible plagiarism or duplicate publication by CrossCheck upon arrival. If duplicate publications related to the papers published in EnM are detected, authors will be sanctioned by requesting their institutions to assess the facts, requesting a letter to the Editor-in-Chief acknowledging the error and voluntarily withdrawing the paper, and banning the authors from publishing in EnM for up to 3 years.
EnM is a member of Cross-Check's plagiarism detection initiative and takes all cases of publication misconduct seriously. When the journal faces suspected cases of research and publication misconduct such as redundant (duplicate) publication, plagiarism, fraudulent or fabricated data, changes in authorship, an undisclosed conflict of interest, ethical problems with a submitted manuscript, a reviewer who has appropriated an author’s idea or data, complaints against editors, and so on, the resolution process will follow the flowchart provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics ( The Editorial Board discusses and makes decisions regarding any suspected cases.
It is possible to republish manuscripts if the manuscripts satisfy the conditions of secondary publication of the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (ICMJE, as follows:
A preprint is defined as a version of a scholarly paper that is posted on an openly available platform prior to formal peer review and publication in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal. EnM allows authors to submit preprints for publication in the journal. Preprints are not treated as duplicate submissions or duplicate publications. EnM recommends that authors disclose the preprint with a digital object identifier (DOI) in the cover letter to the editor during the submission process. Otherwise, it may be screened by the plagiarism check program (Similarity Check by CrossCheck). Please also provide this information in the manuscript and as a footnote in the manuscript file with a full citation using a DOI. (Example: This manuscript was first published as a preprint: Author AB, Author CD (2021). [Article title]. bioRxiv. Preprint submissions will be processed through the same peer-review process as usual submissions.
If a preprint is accepted for publication, authors are recommended to update the information on the preprint server with a link to the published article in EnM, including its DOI at EnM. It is strongly recommended that authors cite the article in EnM instead of the preprint in their next submission to journals.
EnM recommends that all submitted manuscripts that report the results of clinical trials adhere to the Data Sharing Statements for Clinical Trials: A Requirement of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (; recommendations).
We strongly recommend, as a condition of consideration for publication, registration in a public trials registry. Trials must have been registered in an appropriate registry at or before the onset of patient enrollment. This policy applies to any clinical trial starting enrollment after January 1, 2006. Any trial that began enrollment before this date must have been registered by April 1, 2006 in order to be considered for publication. We define a clinical trial as any research project that prospectively assigns human subjects to intervention or comparison groups to study the cause-and-effect relationship between a medical intervention and a health outcome. Studies designed for other purposes, such as studies on phar- macokinetics or major toxicity (e.g., phase 1 trials), are exempt.
Appropriate registries include: 1) the registry sponsored by the United States National Library of Medicine (; 2) the ISRCTN Registry (; 3) the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (; 4) the Chinese Clinical Trials Registry (; 5) the Clinical Trials Registry-India (; 6) the University hospital Medical Information Network (UMIN) (; and 7) the Clinical Research Information Service-Republic of Korea (CRiS) ( Reporting of randomized controlled trials should follow the guidelines of the CONSORT Statement (
EnM is an open access journal and full text PDF files are also available at the official website ( Articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted, non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited. To use any tables or figures published in EnM in other periodicals, books, or media for scholarly and educational purposes, permission by the publisher of EnM is not necessary.
According to the deposit policy (self-archiving policy) of Sherpa/Romeo (, authors cannot archive pre-prints (i.e., pre-refereeing) but archive post-prints (i.e., final draft post-refereeing) and publisher's version/PDF.
EnM provides the electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content in the event the journal is no longer published by archiving in National Library of Korea.
It is possible to republish manuscripts if the manuscripts satisfy the conditions of secondary publication of the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (ICMJE, as follows:
General principles
Title page and abstract
Main text
Conflicts of interest
Any potential conflict of interest relevant to the manuscript is to be described. If there are no conflicts of interest, authors should state that none exist.
The acknowledgments should be presented after the main text and before the reference list. Acknowledgments should contain brief statements of assistance, financial support, and prior publication of the study in abstract form, where applicable. Any other matters associated with research funds, facilities, and drugs that were used in the current manuscript should also be presented in the Acknowledgments.
References should be listed in the sequence cited in the paper, and sequential numbers should be attached in the middle or at the end of the corresponding sentences in the body of the text. The reference list should be given at the end of the document, after the main text and acknowledgments (if applicable) and before the tables. Original articles are limited to 50 references.
Journals: authors' names (list the first six authors and add “et al.”), title, journal name, year, volume, and page numbers.
Book: authors' name(s), title, edition number, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, and page numbers.
Chapter in a book: authors' name(s), title, edition number, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, chapter number and title, and page numbers.
Conference proceedings: author(s), paper title, In: editor(s), conference title, the year, place, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, and page numbers.
Dissertation: author, title [book type], place of publication, publisher, year of publication.
Web sites: author(s), title [type of medium], place of publication, publisher, year of publication [date of update, date of citation], URL.
Figures and figure legends
Supplemental data
Nonessential tables and figures may accompany articles as online-only supplemental files. All online-only supplementary files should be combined into a single document file (whenever possible) and uploaded separately during the submission process. This file must be clearly labeled as “Online-Only Supplemental Material.” In addition, supplemental online-only files must be referenced in the main text of the manuscript at least once (e.g., “Supplemental Table S1”).
All online-only supplemental files are subject to review, but such files will not be copyedited or proofread by EnM production staff. As such, authors are encouraged to review their supplemental files carefully before submitting them.
Lists that include names of principal investigators or writing groups may also be submitted as online-only supplements if they exceed 150 words. Otherwise, the names of principal investigators or writing groups should be listed in an appendix at the end of the main document, before the references.
A review article is a review focusing on a specific topic that is commissioned by the Publication Committee. Manuscripts submitted as review articles undergo the same review process as original research articles. Instructions for original articles should be followed for review articles. The abstract of a review article should not exceed 200 words, and the number of references should not exceed 150.
Editorials are invited by the Editorial Board. Editorials are commissioned for the purpose of commenting on a specific paper published by the journal or elsewhere, not to reflect the views of the Society or to comment on recent developments and events, and they deal with particularly active fields of research, current medical interests, and fresh insights in the field of endocrinology and metabolism. There are no specific requirements for the format. However, an editorial should be limited to no more than 20 references. The word count of the main text should not exceed 1,000.
Short communications of original research are published as brief reports. The purpose of the category is to permit the publication of very important, high-quality mechanistic studies that can be concisely presented. These manuscripts should include a short unstructured abstract (150 words maximum).
The total manuscript length should not exceed 1,200 words, excluding the references and abstract. Brief reports can include a maximum of 20 references and two figures or tables.
Images that may help make clinical decisions while being interesting and educational in terms of the treatment of endocrine and metabolic conditions should be prepared with an accompanying manuscript. Image should be no more than 1,000 words in length with the number of references limited to five.
A letter should contain constructive criticisms or comments on a specific paper published by the journal within the previous six months. Research letters are short original research articles on issues important to medical researchers or short summaries of new research. Letters should be no more than 1,000 words in length, have no more than 10 references, and normally include no more than one table or one figure.
Graphical abstract are required for original articles, review,and brief report after acceptance of manuscript. The graphicalabstract will be displayed in the online contents list andthe online article, but will not appear in the article PDF fileor print. A graphical abstract should clearly represent thetopic of the article in a pictorial form designed to capture theattention of a wide readership. Authors should provide anoriginal image that clearly represents the work described inthe manuscript. Graphical abstracts should be submitted asa separate file in the submission system. See preparing andsubmitting your manuscript for guidance on appropriate fileformat and resolution for graphics.
Copyright to all the published material is owned by the Korean Endocrine Society. The authors should agree to the copyright transfer during the submission process. The corresponding author is responsible for submitting the copyright transfer agreement to the Publisher.
If authors utilized artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technologies (e.g., chatbots, large language models, or image creators) while they were preparing the manuscript, the authors should clearly describe how they used AI in the submitted manuscript and in their cover letter. Authors are fully responsible for the scientific integrity of AI-generated content. Authors are not permitted to cite AI as an author or to list AI-assisted technologies as an author or co-author. If a submission or publication does not appropriately disclose AI assistance, it will be rejected or retracted.
If it is necessary to revise a manuscript, the Publication Committee may do so insofar as it does not impact the original text, and according to its editorial policies on wording and format.
If the authors or readers find any errors or content that should be revised, they can make a request to the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board may consider publishing an erratum, corrigendum, or retraction. If there are any revisions to the article, a CrossMark description will be used to indicate the final version. If a reader submits an opinion on a published article in the form of a letter to the editor, it will be forwarded to the authors. The authors can reply to the reader’s letter. The letter to the editor and the author’s reply may be jointly published.