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1Endocrine Center and Clinical Research Center, Ijinkai Takeda General Hospital, Kyoto, Japan
2Clinical Research Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism, NHO Kyoto Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan
3Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
4Department of Geriatric and General Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan
5Department of Health Promotion and Medicine of the Future, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan
6Division of Nephrology, Hypertension and Endocrinology, Nihon University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
7Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Nutrition, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan
8Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Tottori University Faculty of Medicine, Yonago, Japan
9Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine, St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Kawasaki, Japan
Copyright © 2021 Korean Endocrine Society
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Criteria | Definition | Cutoff value | Clinical significance |
Lateralization index (LI) | (PACDOM/PCCDOM)/(PACNONDOM/PCCNONDOM) | >4 (>2a) | Aldosterone secretion is significantly increased from dominant side compared with non-dominant side [3,9,14,30]. |
Contralateral aldosterone suppression ratio (CR) | (PACNONDOM/PCCNONDOM)/(PACIVC or PV/PCCIVC or PV) | <1 | Aldosterone secretion is significantly suppressed from non-dominant side compared with IVC or PV [3,30,32,35]. |
>5.5 (ipsilateral unilateral) <0.5 (contralateral unilateral) |
Aldosterone secretion from ipsilateral side is significantly increased or that from contralateral side is suppressed [40,42]. |
Criteria | Definition | Cutoff value | Clinical significance |
Lateralization index (LI) | (PACDOM/PCCDOM)/(PACNONDOM/PCCNONDOM) | >4 (>2 |
Aldosterone secretion is significantly increased from dominant side compared with non-dominant side [3,9,14,30]. |
Contralateral aldosterone suppression ratio (CR) | (PACNONDOM/PCCNONDOM)/(PACIVC or PV/PCCIVC or PV) | <1 | Aldosterone secretion is significantly suppressed from non-dominant side compared with IVC or PV [3,30,32,35]. |
AV/IVC ratio | (PACAV/PCCAV)/(PACIVC or PV/PCCIVC or PV) | >5.5 (ipsilateral unilateral) <0.5 (contralateral unilateral) |
Aldosterone secretion from ipsilateral side is significantly increased or that from contralateral side is suppressed [40,42]. |
PAC, plasma aldosterone concentration; DOM, dominant side of the adrenal vein; PCC, plasma cortisol concentration; NONDOM, non-dominant side of the adrenal vein; IVC, inferior vena cava; PV, peripheral vein; AV, adrenal vein. Value without adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation.